Remind is now part of the ParentSquare family! See the announcement for details
Remind is now part of the ParentSquare family! See the announcement for details
September 21, 2015
 • By 
Jordan Smith

Multi-owner classes on Remind

How-to and Tips

"I use Remind and love it. Is there a way for team teachers to share an account so both of us can send messages?"

"I share students with other teachers. Is there a way that I can share a class with another teacher so that parents don’t need to sign up three different times?"

"Is there a way to add a second person to a class to schedule posts or facilitate Office Hours? It would be helpful in our situation—district-level curriculum & instruction."

"I've been using Remind for a year. I’m not a teacher; I'm a room parent who handles most of the communication for the class. However, I can see many times when it would be useful to have multiple 'admins' for the account."

These represent just some of the 1,500 requests we’ve received for multi-owner classes since what feels like the dawn of time. For a little perspective, here's the rule of thumb that we follow on the Support team: For every request that we receive, there are another three to five that users never send.

In other words, there are a lot of people who would love to share the ability to manage classes on Remind with their colleagues. Allowing educators to share classes can be a matter of convenience or necessity. I’ve seen requests from teachers, coaches, and administrators. I’ve been inspired by the sheer number of collaborative teaching models that I’ve learned about. It would be difficult to point to any of these stories as particularly memorable, because every request that comes in has been a valid one.

In other words, we hear you. We agree. We’re making it happen. And that's why we’re incredibly excited to announce the launch of multi-owner classes on Remind.

Streamlining communication for effective collaboration

Sharing class controls simplifies the way that teachers, parents, and students use Remind to communicate. We know how important it is for school communities to work together, and we’ve seen the hoops that people have jumped through to collaborate. With multi-owner classes, we hope there's no need to open multiple accounts, share log-in credentials, or ask students and parents to sign up for different versions of the same class.

Multi-owner classes also make it easier for teachers to do more with Remind in fewer steps. For instance, club advisors or coaches can hand off their Remind classes without deleting or removing anything—preserving a valuable sense of continuity for students and parents from year to year.

How multi-owner classes work

Teachers who create classes have full control of class settings: They can send messages, manage participant lists, and change the class name or class code. Now, they can also add class owners who manage a class with the same controls that they have.

Multi-owner classes

To be promoted to class owner, teachers need to first join the class with their full Remind accounts. Class owners can add others, but owners can only remove themselves. Once they’re added, all class owners assume equal responsibility for a class. For this reason, we encourage teachers to reach out to potential class owners before adding them to a class.

As always, communication is key.We hope this update makes it easier for educators to work together to bridge the gap between school and home. Remind is already easy to use, and this will make it even easier. Multi-owner classes are going to be awesome, and I can’t wait to hear what you all think.