Remind is now part of the ParentSquare family! See the announcement for details
Remind is now part of the ParentSquare family! See the announcement for details
May 5, 2015
 • By 
Clara Galan

Appreciating teachers as innovators


Every morning, teachers across the country walk into classrooms to dedicate themselves to student growth. Being a teacher is about so much more than academic instruction. It's about being a role model, a support system, a counselor, and really, a champion for children and their families.

We'd like to thank teachers for being our superheroes and shine a spotlight on the incredible impact they have on their school communities.

Teachers as innovators

We're inspired by the innovation we're seeing from educators. Teachers have the challenge of altering their classrooms to meet the needs of a unique group of learners each year. In order to do this, it requires testing and implementing various tools and strategies—and a great deal of creativity!

Technology provides new possibilities for reaching all students and their families to extend learning beyond the classroom. The reality is, most educational technology has become accessible to the point that any teacher can use it. You don't have to be a computer science teacher to get your hands on a tool and test it out with your students. While talking to teachers around the country, we've been in awe by the teachers who were the first to bring Remind to their schools.


"It is important for teachers to be pioneers in our profession. We need to keep striving to be better and do better so that we can inspire our students to do the same. We must keep trying new things and realizing that failure is only a First Attempt At Learning, rather than something negative. Innovation is more than just an idea—it's action." – Dani Raskin, New York

Although these trailblazers we've spoken to have come from a wide range of grade levels, subjects, and school districts, there is one unifying quality in them all: passion. Through their passion for students and learning, these teachers have taken the plunge to get connected to other teachers online, learn about new tools, and try them out in their classrooms. The result has been a more informed teaching practice that ultimately improves student learning.

Teachers' impact

Ask the next person you see about a teacher they remember. You'll find that every person has a story to tell, demonstrating the lasting impact teachers have on all of us. Over the past few weeks, we've interviewed students, parents, and members of the Remind team about influential teachers they'll never forget.

Thank you

No matter where you're teaching—from San Francisco, California to Huntsville, Arkansas—we want to thank you for the permanent impact you're making in the lives of your students. Thank you, teachers, for inspiring us. You matter.