Remind is now part of the ParentSquare family! See the announcement for details
Remind is now part of the ParentSquare family! See the announcement for details
May 18, 2015
 • By 
Bill Ziegler

4 ways principals can show teacher appreciation

How-to and Tips

For principals, Teacher Appreciation Month is an excellent time to show how much you value your faculty and staff. Remind allows principals to communicate in a fast, easy, safe, and interactive format. I often use it to communicate how grateful I am for my teachers, notify them of special treats, inspire them to greatness, and keep our teachers updated on important events.

Remind empowers principals with a communication tool that supports email, text messages, push alerts, and now, two-way conversations. Check out a few ideas on how principals can use Remind to celebrate and honor their teachers during Teacher Appreciation Month.

Thank a teacher

Since all of our grade levels are on Remind, I sent a Remind message to all students and parents asking them to thank a teacher that made a difference in their life. I then sent the notes of appreciation to our faculty/staff.

Our faculty sincerely appreciated this, as many teachers shared how they were so encouraged by the notes from students and parents. Below is the message I sent through the Remind app.

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Teacher Appreciation Month and our state testing falls in the same time period, so I sent out a "thank you" note to our teachers expressing gratitude for their hard work and for their cooperation during a needed evacuation of our school. It’s always important to use Remind to thank teachers for all that they do to make your school so great.

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Two-way conversations now allow principals the opportunity to ask teachers to share notes of thanks with other faculty members. In addition, it opens the door for two-way communication in a safe and easy manner. Below is a dialogue I had with a teacher thanking him for having his student athletes post flags on the graves of veterans.

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Special treats

Teachers appreciate when principals show spontaneity with simple gestures of appreciation. For example, I sent out a message one morning to my teachers encouraging them to enjoy a day of dress down.

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We also brought in an ice cream company to show thanks to our faculty with a special treat and sent a message encouraging everyone to attend. Principals can hide a treat in the building and use Remind to help teachers gather clues where to find the treat.


Teacher Appreciation Month is a poignant time to share inspirational messages about the power of teaching. Below is an example of a Remind message that I sent my teachers during this special month. It’s important to keep inspirational messages in front of them to encourage and empower them to continue this most challenging work.

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Remind is my favorite tool to provide timely and quick updates, important messages, and pertinent information. During a recent evacuation that required us to be out of the building for over an hour, I was able to update the staff confidentially with the Remind app.

Remind also allows principals to start a dialogue with teachers in a private, safe, and easy way. This promotes interaction between principals and teachers in a quick format that supports the voice of the teacher.

Remind is my favorite tool for communication because it’s so easy, safe, and instantaneous. It allows principals to communicate and collaborate with teachers, students, and other principals in a way that keeps your cell phone number or email private. It’s also an easy way to get participants to join your class through a simple text or email. Any principal can become connected through using Remind.